Monday, December 10, 2012


I just stumbled across something I wrote around Christmas break last year, halfway through my Senior year at Baylor.  I sat in my cubicle contemplating life and all that was before and behind me. Here is what I wrote that I read tonight:

"Christmastime. It's the time of year we can all stop and reflect on the past year, or hurry around in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I choose to reflect. 2011 has been a great year full of surprises and great joy. However, it seems as if I have lost my grip on time throughout the past year. It seems true that as you get older, time seems to go faster. I also feel as though I am growing into an adult although I still feel like a kid. We (college seniors) are in yet another awkward phase of our life where we are not yet quite on our own, but we are on the brink of complete independence and adulthood. I don't know about you, but that frightens me a little bit. However, with all these thoughts swirling around in my mind, I have no choice but to live in every moment, each day at a time because only God knows my future and each day is precious. So with that, I embark on my very last semester of college and make the most of every minute!"

It is amazing how much I can learn from myself. My younger, almost wiser seeming self. Thank you Lord for teaching me things last year that you have used to encourage me today. You are in control. You know me perfectly and completely and nothing surprises You. Let us rest in that today. Even though the future may scare me, I trust You and ask that You would help me treasure each day.